All world is celebrating earth hour from 8:30pm to 9:30 pm today, to show their love and responsibility towards earth.Read history of "Earth hour" here ,amp; Time line here and also watch Official video of Earth hour
In Pakistan too earth hour is being observed in different areas, all the unnecessary lights have been turned off as well as the famous and important buildings are also presenting a dark look.Different TV channels are also encouraging public to switch off their lights to get their love for the earth recorded.A famous private TV channel presented their news bulletin in dark news room with all the lights off.
I was thinking that instead of just showing off, we need to take some real practical steps if we love our planet, but we the humans have become materialistic and selfish as well.In our love for material things, we even try to betray ourselves. I simply cant understand that whats the benefit of switching off the lights for an hour?It can definitely bring no change.To show love to the planet we live on, one must try to grow trees, one must try to not to use plastic bags, one must try to not to burn the heaps of rubbish.But should avoid such silly things.
Would you like turning your lights off while living in a country like Pakistan?In my opinion if we are supposed to show our love like this, than Pakistan is the only nation which loves PLANET EARTH most.I can bet it.This is the nation which shows its responsibility not at any specific hour but many times a day for many countless hours, for an unlimited time in the form of load shedding..
I just cant understand that why our government tries to copy other developed countries in the things which they consider a fun,and its their right if they do so.Their each and every person is responsible and hardworking but we proud Pakistanis don't copy them in good and productive things. Here in Pakistan,people are living below or at poverty line, they don't have bread,water,clothing and shelter.Electricity is far-fetched thing for many people because of heavy bills.Does it suit to ask for switching off the lights??Shame on our government, who just loves to copy others but don't use sense!
Dear reader,did you switch off your lights to show love or you had a power cut during this time?Don't worry then,K.E.S.C and WAPDA did it for you!
A good post Reebz.
If anyone really wants to see that who Loves Planet earth most? then he or she must meet with a farmer, or gardener, or anyone who touches earth with his hand daily to show his Passion and Love for it like a mother. One who does not require a proof of his Love towards earth by turning off the light for an hour, but who cares for cleanliness of earth and not throwing garbage on it, who does not pollute it, who does not want to make money by misusing earth.
These are masses who sometimes do not know that when there is any day for earth, which is going to be celebrated by switching off the light for an hour, but they do not need to know because they care for earth more than us, I think so. Because they know the importance of earth more than us due to the direct contact and relation with it.
I can't agree more, superb!
Seems Pakistan is too worried about climate change...we have several earth hour's everyday..
Urooj Malik
Thumbs up! you said it more beautifully than than post itself!
Sir Akhter,
i cant understand your views on this issue, this is sort of contradictory,i mean you cant agree with the post and still you are saying superb?or you cant agree with those who are advocating earth day? Please clarify =)
Pakistan is always worried about things which matters least, i will have no objection in celebrating earth hours if our each and every need is fulfilled like other developed states!
I totally disagree...!
Lol Hamza it means that i have finally managed to convince you :D? you were not agreeing at face book, but now you do? woww my succeess! :D
Exactly i also could not understand, whats the point in turning off the lights?
Our government is shameless indeed.
I agree too. the time which our govt should pass in launching some creative campaigns and productive plans, we are wasting it by such useless activities.
Well celebrating the earth hour would've been a great idea of universal homogenity, if only the problem of loadshedding had been absent in Pakistan... The government should solve the problems of electrical shortage through building new dams and power sources, rather than conceiving new and refined measures of loadshedding... It's a shame that India built dams on our rivers by breaking the agreement of Indus Water Distribution, but our government did nothing to do something similar...
@ Urooj
I can't agree more = I agree hundred percent
I am also in deep agreement with the jist of this conversation toward not only peace yet also pragmatic preservation of Pakistani resources.
More on that later.
ReeBz, leaving this note here since I need to resist the urge to go to Facebook and also my usual email source...but since you have been interested in the Dr. Aafia case with great passion - I wanted you particularly to note the special online seminar which I believe I've figured will be at 5 am your Karachi time. Do go to my blogpost to check out the details.
You can also submit your questions ahead...
Let me know if you have any questions or comments on this case - if preferred, by my new email: oneheartforpeace@gmail.com
Just a note: ReeBz, there may be a recent post on a word camp for bloggers at Teeth Maestro blog...I haven't had time to see if there's anything which may be helpful to you or not there?
By the way, let me apologize deeply for never following thru on your tip to apply my blog for consideration with a well-known Pakistani blog. At the time I didn't have the confidence nor take time to do this...
Then later when I had some measure of both confidence in my blog and understanding and occasionally would have had a little time to do this...I felt there were some aspects which may have been somewhat contradictory with my themes at oneheart while not all...
Now, I want to more or less quietly do my part with Dr. Aafia...then I will take a 2nd look...
Thanx for the exchange of "leads"...blogger to blogger...
And I do look forward to more of the same....
Connie i was busy extremely in studies and really studies have become much more tough,beyond my imagination!
I just logged into blog and noticed so many new posts at urooj's,komal's and others which i have to read and comment. I just left a comment at your blog about Dr Afia siddiquis daughter.
Secondly i will still ask you to share all ur blog posts with PAk-Us online Community-Its for you,for me!
Their team is also waiting for your appearance there :)
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