Dec. 29 (Bloomberg) -- A suspected terrorist’s attempt to blow up a U.S. airliner may override privacy concerns and intensify a push for full-body scanning equipment at airports.
U.S. officials charged a 23-year-old Nigerian man with trying to blow up Northwest Flight 253 as it prepared to land in Detroit on Christmas Day. President Barack Obama said yesterday he ordered a thorough review of the episode and called for new scrutiny of screening policies and technologies.
As i heard this news, my mind started ringing the bell. Its Another "Dummy",another drastic plan against "Pakistan" By U.S!
My first question is,
How it can be possible that, that Nigerian guy managed to escape from U.S strict detectors at airport?
Why the new policy is for the Muslim countries only?
Its nothing else, except another reflection of Brain-drain of Mr. Barak Obama,feeling sorry to say who is also among from the progeny of a Muslim.
Now I have realized fully that US can never be a friend to Pakistan.I'm alhmadullilah living in an independent Islamic state but unfortunately i find myself in the aura of those fears which a slave feels inside him always. We are the residents of an independent Pakistan but our souls and our hearts are US slaves. we need to wakeup!! we need to take steps! we need to protest! we need to unite our voices and stand against all our enemies! we need to be one! ONE AND STRONG!
Just on the basis of one Nigerian you cant suspect all the Muslims, and if you fear any terrorist activity, then your policies should be same for all nationalists.Don'T create racial differences Mr.Obama!
What if we ask that what you and your secret agencies have been doing in Pakistan since ages?Fake number plates on cars,XE agents are found openly threatening, quarreling and misbehaving with our country-men openly in streets?Mind it, you must have support by our govt cause its your pet but we LOVE Pakistan TRULY!
We the YOUTH are real power and strength of Pakistan and i'm just waiting for the day when we will manage to awake all Pakistan.
What if we also start "Nude-checking" of your ladies and men at airports? wont it be insulting?may be not for you!so we should start it i guess!but no, our religion ISLAM has taught us to respect ladies in the same way as we respect our own...
This is the difference between You and us.. between a Muslim and a Non-Muslim infect!
Your policies have caused us great pain Obama, you have taken lives of many innocent Pakistanis by your deadly drone attacks, you have snatched our peace of mind and smiles of our little children who are the blessing of any country,who are like butterflies of the garden..You have insulted our daughter Afia Siddiqui to the extreme.
We are tired now! We are fighting war for you but the loss is totally ours!we DONT want your AID! i spit on it on the behalf of every loving Pakistani!YOU are mean and self centered!
few years back when Russia entered Afghanistan you helped Pakistan and "Mujahidins" to Push Russia back, because you know you cant win any war without Pakistan! but now when you got success in your plan you started killing same mujahidins? and turned them into Taliban? I don't Doubt the existence of taliban, but whoever they are they are not from us..
Every Pakistani knows that you are not a friend to us, we hate your aids and your wealth which you spend in your so called wars against terrorism.. reality is "you have hidden agenda behind every war"-- your own benefits..we are just waiting for a good leadership in Pakistan and then one day InshaAllah we'll change the map of the world! (amin)
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