A student hurled shoe at a US scholar, journalist and the president Foundation of US Democracy (FoUSD) Clifford May when he was delivering lecture on democracy but he remained unharmed.
The lecture organizer Monis Ahmer confirmed to Geo news that a student threw a shoe at a
He said hurling shoes at guests is a condemnable act and we excused our guest over the incident.
The issue is very thought provoking.Its not only about throwing a shoe but it compels all of us to think beyond the surface value.
If we view it in the light of "mannerism" then no doubt it is strongly a shameful act and should be strongly condemned.This will only be the surface value of the issue.As we have to think beyond the surface value,we must dig the facts to prove ourselves as well-aware citizens.
Question is why Hussain had to take such a step?If we think about it deeply,i bet we can solve our many problems without being the victim of inferiority complex and we will never need to bend our heads before superpowers!!
He asked a very simple question about the bloodshed in Palestine.Instead of replying Mr Clifford May passed a sarcastic smile which doesn't suit at a scholars profession.It clearly showed how low he thinks about Muslims
You have my support Husaain!
If America is imposing keyry-lugar bill on us,Blackwater intruding our country,moreover the "noble peace award wanner " Mr Barak Obama killing our innocent people by deadly dangerous drone missiles then why aren't we allowed to express even our hatred?Ameica wants to get hold of our nuclear plants, plus America is preparing a device which can destroy others' atomic plants and storages.Can anyone tell me who has given this authority to America?Mr.Barak Obama, see how much disaster you have caused to all world.What have you done in Iraq,Afghanistan and now you are trying to clutch us.Its YOU and your policies which have created hatred among all Pakistanis for Americans.Therefore Hussain is no any culprit.
Our leaders can be blind for your aid, but we aren't mind it!
I agree as an educated citizen one must show some level of maturity and should avoid such things.For this purpose, one should sign petitions,writers should create awareness,people can form groups to work together for achieving a cause and also letters can be written to authorities.Many things can be done,no doubt. But what to do of those history records which reveal that no benefit we are going to get by all these efforts?
Several applications,letters and petitions were signed for Dr.Afia siddiqui's release, but we all know that nothing is going to be changed.
In situation like this, what a person can do other than expressing hatred only?
Well written, Areeba!
I really agree with you.
When i first heard about this, i too felt it was a disrespectful act, but on hearing the details, particularly about what Mr. Clifford May said about Pakistan and the Muslims, i felt really outraged and that vhe deserved that all.
The Pakistani nation is very frustrated and annoyed at the moment. First, out leaders have sold out their nation into the hands of others. They only have their axes to grind and care nothing about the needs and the problems of the people. Second, the feeling of insecurity at the hands of foreign agencies, particularly from America and India (RAW), which are causing bomb blasts and other terrorist attacks throughout the country, and claiming it to be caused by Pakistanis themselves. (Several terrorists have been found to have strong ties with Indian agencies, frequently visiting India and being warmly received there) Third, the vast number of problems, ranging from unemployment and low income to water, food and power shortages, and the leaders turning a blind eye to them (to keep people away from thinking over the actual works etc. of the government, which they need to hide ofcourse) Fourth, the international unfair behaviour with all the Muslim states, false disgraceful comments, attcks on afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan for personal exploitation under the label of INTERNATIONAL SECURITY (Have weapons of Mass destruction been discovered from these places, as claimed before attack? What of the investigation and research of foriegn intelligence agencies which revealed that the WTC attack was an inside plan? ) Fifth, the feeling of being ignored and helpless. We can't say anything when America attacked Iraq? Thousands of petitions and peaceful protests for the release of Dr. Aafia ignored! So much fuss when a handful Israeli citizen was killed (while killing Palestineans), what about the massacre of Muslims throughout the world? Are their lives of less importance?
Well, one should know better than to talk against Pakistanis and the Muslim world while standing in the land of Pakistan. this is outrageous and insulting. We've already had enough and can't bear more sarcasm, lies and taunts at the hands of others.
If Mr. Clifford May didn't know better, he deserved it...
Many in America and all around the world are terribly outraged as well and would have understood the shoe and said Bravo to the shoe and not the sarcastic smile.
This is a global outrage, the ongoing war, the drones, blackwater clones and version, abuse and holding of the innocent and the torture of any...
Wild wild dark night of the Common Soul of humanity.
So hold hands across the world, squeeze TIGHT - HOLD ON...we MUST pray, love one another and FIND a way...
Seek and we will find if we seek with our whole soul...
Often night is darkest right before DAWN...
we can - we must find a way to work with each other and the Divine in us and outside us to bring about the DAWN...
How I wish I could stand with you there! All of RR and others there are constantly on my mind and in my heart and soul.
Thanks Hasaan for elaborating and enhancing the post more,it always help others to have a better image of what we are talking about..
Connie,first of all thanks to you a lot,I'm really pleased that blogging gave me a chance to meet you - A better American,whose heart beats for peace only.This really feel better that still good people exists on earth.
When i met you, i realized it very soon that you are not like all Americans but you have a better insight.
Secondly, it is really very great quality to accept the mistakes specially when you are enjoying the fun and power of being the "super power".I really appreciate it.
Thanks for all your efforts Connie.It helps me in heeling my wounds..
Just in case you may be a little like me, ReeBz and other readers here - in feeling drained, sad and angry at the way there is so much ignorance with injustice from America contributing to what's happening in Pakistan, let me suggest that you go to Faraz Haider's site here - "My Thoughts" - and see how he makes sense of the universe in terms of energy, will power, depth of moments and more.
The more often I go back to reflect, reword and apply what he is saying, I'm finding that the gifts he is offering us all is way more than just novice theory. These little packages of wisdom flow naturally together, inspire the user's own innate wisdoms and comes in universal form. They are readily available to the one who tries the "fit" without a lot of preparatory work.
We have a minor-becoming-major genius in our midst who may be able to help us all through recent sadness and tough times. I think he will remain a right balance of humility and confidence and be a solace here at RR along with several others who have within them similar qualities of transformation.
His posts helped me through a tough night of helplessly scouring worrisome news over and over to come resoundingly back to what is deeper and beyond mere current events and once again to put my feet on solid ground.
I just saw your comment to me, ReeBz. Thank You for your warm friendship. Dear, I don't remember ever enjoying any "fun and power of being the "super power"...my only enjoyment is if and when people share in community as we are all trying to do here at RR.
You never enjoy the fun of being the super power as you are very different-enthusiastic for peace.
Now how do we help show that being enthusiasts for peace outwardly as HIP and EXCITING as it is inwardly? Not to mention that it's one of the major ways toward survival on our planet? Help us older folk to know how to support YOU younger folk in this Inner/Outer adventure...
President Foundation of US Democracy (FoUSD) clifford may!...Husaain threw show over their so-called concept of democracy...clifford should not mind having some more shoes if he believes in democracy! :p
I would like to know if before inviting this US scholar, any among the organizers of this seminar had even bothered to learn WHERE the concepts of Iqbal about democracy may be located in his works :).
When was the last time a seminar was organized at KU with the aim of explaining and exploring the concept of democracy embedded in Pakistan Movement?
Only recently, a department at KU published a book which presents a case AGAINST the birth of Pakistan, and that too based on flawed information whose inaccuracies are more glaring that phosphorus in a dark room. The launching ceremony of that book was a "Who's Who" of Pakistan's intellectual elite: deans of islamic universities, professors of pakistan studies and such other creatures chanted in chorus that the founders of Pakistan were wrong.
This is the real danger lurking in Pakistan today: our professors, deans, VCs, lecturers, journalists, intellectuals and academics are suicide attackers on an intellectual plane. Taliban are just their outward expression.
Sir, actually we have forgotten our own leaders who gave the best principles for everything, thatswhy we look for others to lecture us on democracy,eradication of social evils etc.We have forgotten that we don't need to beg others for anything, our religion is itself a complete code of life.Followers of other religions have adapted Islamic principles but we are just fond of taking dictation from dictators.
I'm very shocked to hear that KU did such a heinous crime by publishing that book.Manipulation of facts and the history records shouldn't be forgiven.
If these are the "services" from one of the biggest educational institutes to Pakistan,then what can we expect from others!!
Let me tell u what we can expect from others. In that ceremony, one of the highest decision-maker from the Islamic University Islamabad came and said that Pakistan should be a secular state, it was not created in the name of Islam, and the founders of Pakistan made a mistake by favoring Islam.
Falsifying the facts can ever be so easy,i never imagined!
But Ya Pakistan is a state where you are allowed to do anything you want, no check and balance,no rules and regulations,no authority.
Everyone is King here.
If i see around me, people are involved in dishonesty in even little things.Kunda system is so common which makes me angry the most.
There are too many things to be pointed out.
and, it is all because of wrong leadership.
Since after the creation of Pakistan,a group became active to prove Pakistan's creation as the biggest mistake,Alas! we welcomed this group most in our motherland!Alas! we are the one who put axes on our own feet..!
I wish i could do something in re-awakening of Pakistan..
No matter how justified his action was it was wrong!At that time,in that conference room,in front of that scholar the student was representing the University and his department.We are students,not journalists,not a people aggrieved,if we do such things than what hope is left for us?We have to prove that a bunch of abusive mullahs is not the only image of Pakistan!This act should be strongly condemned.He had no right to do such a abhorring act!
Salam dear respected brothers & sisters,
Its interesting reading your reactions.
Well, i am not aware you know this or not that Clifford D May's religion is Jewish you can check on wikipedia and confirm this.
He was member of Bush's administration, and member of Republican Zionist Coalition.
I am amaze to see some Pakistani supporting Clifford? why?
those who support Clifford are hired by these neocons too!
But, I am very thankful to proud Pakistanis like you, who knowns the truth.
Thanks & best regards,
M.Hussain (K.U. I.R. Shoe Thrower)
Salam dear respected brothers & sisters,
Its interesting reading your reactions.
Well, i am not aware you know this or not that Clifford D May's religion is Jewish you can check on wikipedia and confirm this.
He was member of Bush's administration, and member of Republican Zionist Coalition.
I am amaze to see some Pakistani supporting Clifford? why?
those who support Clifford are hired by these neocons too!
But, I am very thankful to proud Pakistanis like you, who knowns the truth.
Thanks & best regards,
M.Hussain (K.U. I.R. Shoe Thrower)
M Hussain its really nice to see your comment here. Whatever you did, i support your reaction!
i n my opinion it should have been be even more worse.He and his so called democracy deserves it.they show their hatred not to only Pakistanis but for all Muslims,no matter with which nation he/she belongs.
secondly i would like to clarify we dont hate anyone on the religions basis. there are good and bad people everywhere in every religion.They actually dont follow their religion properly.
we hate people like clifford on the basis of his and his country policies!its timie for them to bring change or else they will get same response from us!
i cant understand that why dont people see that how blackwater is totally free to perform weird mysterious activities in pakistan. they even not let anyone to investigate and check them. they come with loaded trucks with dont-know-what but they are allowed to go without inspection!
i bet all the suicide attacks in Pakistan these days are by BLACKWATER! not by our own country men. it is simply not possible! there were no so much attacks before the entry of cruel blackwater in Pakistan.
Hussein i'm interested in knowing that after you took this bold step,what happened with you/? did you remain perfectly safe? i hope so!
Anonymous 1.
for people like you i have no answer.how can you bring mullahs in this discussion? i cant understand, another brain washed you are!
tell me what else you can do except this? we are innocent and we have no power to take revenge from our enemies so its the freedom of speech! everyone is allowed to express his her emotions!
they are bombing drones over you, killing your country men and you are condemning just a show hurling act? he rightly deserved it for his actions.
just suppose if one day an american drone i dropped over ur home, then i bet you would like to do even more.. if you luckily survive..!
think over it Mr!
Excerpts from Wikipedia entry on Clifford May:
May is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Henry Jackson Society, and the Project for the New American Century. In October 2007, The Daily Telegraph named May number 94 in its list of the '100 most influential conservatives in America'. The paper labeled him "an outspoken proponent of the need to achieve victory in Iraq and the broader war against Muslim extremism"...
May supports the use of 'enhanced interrogation techniques', such as waterboarding, against those captured by the United States in the War on Terror so long as they are used as a "last resort". He views them as fundamentally different from 'torture'. He also opposes regarding those captured as either criminal defendants or prisoners of war...
May supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq as well as the 2007 "surge" strategy in the country. In March 2008, he wrote for National Review Online, "[w]hat one can not say is that regime change in Iraq was unjustified..."
In an April 2004 interview with Tavis Smiley... He also told Smiley, "I'm rooting for the guy in the White House [Bush], personally, 'cause I do think he has done a good job".
dear bro,
why u didnt check that he is v.p of zionist republican coalition, and a jew...
Details: http://www.int-relations.webs.com/
(Shoe throwing Karachi University on Jewish Clifford D May) Muntazir Zaidi of Pakistan, The Nation Newspaper 9th Oct. reports that the program was held without the permission of the administration and was illegal program of K.U.
Talking to Daily Jang Newspaper dated : 9th Oct 09, Chairman Moonis, inform that student Muhammad Hussain is an intelligent student of his class and he is also the class representative of his class.
Published in Daily Jang Newspaper dated : 9th Oct. 09
Check about Clifford D May;
HahAA!! it was great of u hussain ! u hv my support 2!
I just accidentally found this blog though I am happy I did. I live in the United States and I am for peace. The only point I might disagree with within these comments is the one that infers that throwing a shoe (or other objects?) at anyone is a right of democracy. It is in fact an act of violence. However: I strongly support your right to disagree, be angry, protest, or act in whatever other nonviolent way you want to show your objections to what unfair things are happening to you. Peace be with you.
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